Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)

Andrin Büchler

Institut für Germanistik

Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures

Postal Address
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Center for the Study of Language and Society
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Andrin Büchler

Studied German and English linguistics as well as sociolinguistics at the University of Bern. He graduated in summer 2019 with a Master thesis on Obersaxen – eine höchstalemannische Sprachinsel. Sprachwandel als Folge von Sprach- und Dialektkontakt [Obersaxen – a Highest-Alemannic Sprachinsel. Linguistic change as a consequence of language and dialect contact]. Since October 2019, he is a PhD student and research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Péter Maitz in the department of German and since 2020, he is a member of the GSAH, participating in the doctoral program Studies in Language and Society.

Title of PhD Project

Das Schweizerdeutsche der Rätoroman*innen im „Unterland“ [The Swiss German spoken by Romansh people in German-speaking Switzerland]

Research Foci

Variationist sociolinguistics | Language and dialect contact | Second dialectology acquisition | Swiss dialectolog | Language minorities | Phonetics and phonology