Projets de Doctorat Antérieurs

Abgeschlossene Doktoratsprojekte
Auteur⸱e Titre Professeur⸱euse Année Langue
Andrin Büchler Das Schweizerdeutsche der Rätoroman*innen in der Heimat und im ,Unterland‘ Prof. Dr. David Britain
Dr. Lars Bülow
2024 DE
Craig Welker Linguistic variation in the indigenous Zapotec community of Juchitán, Mexico Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Prof. Dr. David Britain 2024 EN
Sandra Widmer Beierlein Umgang mit Aphasiediagnostik in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg 2023 DE
Mathis Wetzel Acquisition de connecteurs discursifs en L2 Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey 2023 FR
Curtis Gautschi How Do Non-Language Specialist Native Speakers React To Non-Native Speaker Speech? A Quantitative And Qualitative Study. PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg 2023 EN
Olivia Droz-dit-Busset Mediating social and commercial worlds: The language work of social media influencers Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow 2023 EN
Lara Portmann Ux Writing as Audience Design: The Sociolinguistics of Digital Media Interfaces Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow 2023 EN
Carina Steiner Perceptual and Affective Factors in Language Variation and Change in German-speaking Switzerland Prof. Dr. Adrian Leemann 2023 EN
Ekaterina Tskhovrebova DIDI – Discovering Discourse: The acquisition of discourse connectives in L1 Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey 2023 EN
Christa Schneider Neuer Sprachatlas des Berner Mittellandes Prof. Dr. David Britain 2022 DE
Jennifer Schumann The Straw Man Fallacy Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey 2022 EN
Danielle Tod English in the Kingdom: Analysis of the emergent variety of English in the Kingdom of Tonga Prof. Dr. David Britain 2022 EN
Sara Lynch The English of the Sleeping Lady: A sociolinguistic description of English on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia Prof. Dr. David Britain 2021 EN
Marion Mathier In their own words: Young Swiss people's language ideologies and media ecologies - implications for educators Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow 2021 EN
Lorna Caputo Assessing Multilingual International Children for Language Disorders Prof. em. Dr. Elke Hentschel 2020 EN
Hannah Hedegard The development of English on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Prof. Dr. David Britain 2020 EN
Christoph Neuenschwander Contact, Mobility and Authenticity: Language Ideologies in Creolisation Prof. Dr. David Britain 2020 EN
Dominique B. Hess Saipanese English: History, structure and linguistic development Prof. Dr. David Britain 2019 EN
Nadine Kammermann Die Entwicklung einer sektoralen Argumentationstheorie am Beispiel des Diskurses über den Klimawandel Prof. Dr. Martin Reisigl 2019 DE
Eva Kuske The Development of and Diversity in the Nativized Variety of English on Guam Prof. Dr. David Britain 2019 EN
Joseph Comer Mediatizing visibility, diversity, equality: A critical discourse ethnography of global queer mobilities Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow 2019 EN
Tobias Leonhardt Kiribati English: History, structure and linguistic development Prof. Dr. David Britain 2019 EN
Anja Thiel The influence of sociocultural factors on phonetic changes in Upstate New York Prof. Dr. David Britain 2019 EN
Laura Tresch Language Ideologies: the Formation and Legitimisation of New Zealand English Prof. Dr. David Britain 2019 EN
Maida Bilkic The burden of “traumascapes”: Mapping the discourses of remembering in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow 2018 EN
Lea Hagmann CORNU-COPIA: In Search of Celtic Roots in the Music and Dance Revival of Cornwall Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers 2018 EN
Philippe Moser Linguistic Landscape als Spiegelbild von Sprachpolitik und Sprachdemografie? Untersuchungen zu Freiburg, Murten, Biel, Aosta, Luxemburg und Aarau Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Moretti 2018 DE
Djouroukoro Diallo Darstellung der Tuareg-Rebellionen in Mali in deutschsprachigen Medien: Eine text- und diskurslinguistische Medienanalyse anhand ausgewählter Zeitungsartikel Prof. em. Dr. Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich 2017 DE
Janine Lüthi More or Less Aligned – Syntactic Priming in Bivarietal Speakers of Swiss and Standard German PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg 2017 EN
Marie-Anne Morand Lexical Processing in Bernese and Standard German: Mental Representation of Cognate and Non-Cognate Object Names in Bivarietal Speakers Prof. em. Dr. Elke Hentschel 2017 EN
Nadine Chariatte El malagueño real, mental y virtual. Configuración de los significados sociales de una variedad urbana. Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Juan Andrés Villena Ponsoda (Universidad de Málaga) 2015 ES
Mehdi Purmohammad Code switching: A touchstone of models of bilingual language production PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg 2015 EN
Ethna Rosa Krakenberger Pensionamento e plurilinguismo. Un'indagine qualitativa su immigrati italiani e su svizzeri tedeschi Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Moretti 2014 IT