Andrin Büchler |
Das Schweizerdeutsche der Rätoroman*innen in der Heimat und im ,Unterland‘ |
Prof. Dr. David Britain Dr. Lars Bülow |
2024 |
DE |
Craig Welker |
Linguistic variation in the indigenous Zapotec community of Juchitán, Mexico |
Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2024 |
EN |
Sandra Widmer Beierlein |
Umgang mit Aphasiediagnostik in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz |
PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg |
2023 |
DE |
Mathis Wetzel |
Acquisition de connecteurs discursifs en L2 |
Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey |
2023 |
FR |
Curtis Gautschi |
How Do Non-Language Specialist Native Speakers React To Non-Native Speaker Speech? A Quantitative And Qualitative Study. |
PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg |
2023 |
EN |
Olivia Droz-dit-Busset |
Mediating social and commercial worlds: The language work of social media influencers |
Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow |
2023 |
EN |
Lara Portmann |
Ux Writing as Audience Design: The Sociolinguistics of Digital Media Interfaces |
Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow |
2023 |
EN |
Carina Steiner |
Perceptual and Affective Factors in Language Variation and Change in German-speaking Switzerland |
Prof. Dr. Adrian Leemann |
2023 |
EN |
Ekaterina Tskhovrebova |
DIDI – Discovering Discourse: The acquisition of discourse connectives in L1 |
Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey |
2023 |
EN |
Christa Schneider |
Neuer Sprachatlas des Berner Mittellandes |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2022 |
DE |
Jennifer Schumann |
The Straw Man Fallacy |
Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey |
2022 |
EN |
Danielle Tod |
English in the Kingdom: Analysis of the emergent variety of English in the Kingdom of Tonga |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2022 |
EN |
Sara Lynch |
The English of the Sleeping Lady: A sociolinguistic description of English on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2021 |
EN |
Marion Mathier |
In their own words: Young Swiss people's language ideologies and media ecologies - implications for educators |
Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow |
2021 |
EN |
Lorna Caputo |
Assessing Multilingual International Children for Language Disorders |
Prof. em. Dr. Elke Hentschel |
2020 |
EN |
Hannah Hedegard |
The development of English on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2020 |
EN |
Christoph Neuenschwander |
Contact, Mobility and Authenticity: Language Ideologies in Creolisation |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2020 |
EN |
Dominique B. Hess |
Saipanese English: History, structure and linguistic development |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2019 |
EN |
Nadine Kammermann |
Die Entwicklung einer sektoralen Argumentationstheorie am Beispiel des Diskurses über den Klimawandel |
Prof. Dr. Martin Reisigl |
2019 |
DE |
Eva Kuske |
The Development of and Diversity in the Nativized Variety of English on Guam |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2019 |
EN |
Joseph Comer |
Mediatizing visibility, diversity, equality: A critical discourse ethnography of global queer mobilities |
Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow |
2019 |
EN |
Tobias Leonhardt |
Kiribati English: History, structure and linguistic development |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2019 |
EN |
Anja Thiel |
The influence of sociocultural factors on phonetic changes in Upstate New York |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2019 |
EN |
Laura Tresch |
Language Ideologies: the Formation and Legitimisation of New Zealand English |
Prof. Dr. David Britain |
2019 |
EN |
Maida Bilkic |
The burden of “traumascapes”: Mapping the discourses of remembering in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond |
Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow |
2018 |
EN |
Lea Hagmann |
CORNU-COPIA: In Search of Celtic Roots in the Music and Dance Revival of Cornwall |
Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers |
2018 |
EN |
Philippe Moser |
Linguistic Landscape als Spiegelbild von Sprachpolitik und Sprachdemografie? Untersuchungen zu Freiburg, Murten, Biel, Aosta, Luxemburg und Aarau |
Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Moretti |
2018 |
DE |
Djouroukoro Diallo |
Darstellung der Tuareg-Rebellionen in Mali in deutschsprachigen Medien: Eine text- und diskurslinguistische Medienanalyse anhand ausgewählter Zeitungsartikel |
Prof. em. Dr. Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich |
2017 |
DE |
Janine Lüthi |
More or Less Aligned – Syntactic Priming in Bivarietal Speakers of Swiss and Standard German |
PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg |
2017 |
EN |
Marie-Anne Morand |
Lexical Processing in Bernese and Standard German: Mental Representation of Cognate and Non-Cognate Object Names in Bivarietal Speakers |
Prof. em. Dr. Elke Hentschel |
2017 |
EN |
Nadine Chariatte |
El malagueño real, mental y virtual. Configuración de los significados sociales de una variedad urbana. |
Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Juan Andrés Villena Ponsoda (Universidad de Málaga) |
2015 |
ES |
Mehdi Purmohammad |
Code switching: A touchstone of models of bilingual language production |
PD Dr. Constanze Vorwerg |
2015 |
EN |
Ethna Rosa Krakenberger |
Pensionamento e plurilinguismo. Un'indagine qualitativa su immigrati italiani e su svizzeri tedeschi |
Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Moretti |
2014 |
IT |