Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)

Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities

Maartje de Meulder

Chercheuse principale à l'Université des sciences appliquées d'Utrecht (Pays-Bas)

Maartje de Meulder est directrice de recherches à la University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Pays-Bas). Elle est spécialiste des questions de politique linguistique liées à la vitalité de la langue des signes et à l'accès aux services publics pour les sourd⸱e⸱s.


Access: a bird's-eye view

“Access” is a central trope in deaf languages and lives discourses, and in deaf communities’ advocacy efforts. It is complicated by deaf people’s dual category status as both linguistic minorities and persons with disabilities. But depending on who is making the claim, “access” can mean different things in different contexts and to different people. Who decides what “access” means? And access to what exactly, for whom, when and to what end? This presentation will discuss different kinds of access on institutional, societal, and individual levels, that impact deaf languages and lives.