Summer School 2024: Language, Politics, Power
The CSLS Summer School "Language, Politics, Power" is an interactive two-day event with guest lectures and workshops with:
- Rodney Jones, University of Reading
- Geert Jacobs, University of Ghent
- Mi-Cha Flubacher, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
In addition, participants will have the opportunity to engage in group discussions and receive feedback on their own research, network with other researchers and meet like-minded people. The Summer School is open to PhD students, advanced MA students and early career researchers in sociolinguistics.
To register, please send a short description (max. 300 words) of your research interests and ongoing projects to by Sunday, June 16.
Info about the event:
Date: 09 - 10 September 2024
Time: full day event
Location: Room 115, Main Building, University of Bern
Guest Lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Geert Jacobs

Geert Jacobs is a Professor at Ghent University's Department of Linguistics. His research interests include linguistic ethnography and discourse analytic work on professional communication and news production processes. He has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals. He recently co-edited volumes on participation and engagement in the media (Benjamins), on data in professional discourse (Palgrave), on storytelling in business (iLanD) and on webcare discourse (Discourse, Context & Media). He is a Past President of the Association for Business Communication.
Dr. Mi-Cha Flubacher

Mi-Cha Flubacher is Research Associate in Language Management and Globalisation at the ZHAW Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Language Competence. She is teaching, studying and writing on issues of multilingualism and work, migration and language, and language, gender and race/ialisation. She has published widely on these issues, e.g. as co-author of Language investment and employability (Palgrave, 2018) and as co-editor of the volumes Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research (2022) and Language, education and neoliberalism (2017), both with "Multilingual Matters".
Prof. Dr. Rodney Jones

Rodney H. Jones is Professor of Sociolinguistics in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading. His research interests include language and digital media, health communication, language and sexuality, and language and creativity. His recent books include Understanding Digital Literacies: A practical introduction, 2nd edition (Routledge, 2021), Viral Discourse (Cambridge University Press, 2022), and Introducing Language and Society (Cambridge University Press, 2022). His new book, Innovations and Challenges in Digital Literacies, will soon be published by Routledge.